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Jaz Worrell

The 10x Rule

Quitting too early, excessive talk, and lack of execution limit potential. To stand out, consistently apply 10x effort, iterate, and execute. Let your actions, not words, define your trajectory.

Jaz Worrell

The Green Pen Effect

instead of highlighting mistakes, focus on celebrating progress. By spotlighting successes, we not only boost morale but also foster an environment of growth and positivity. It's time to swap criticism for commendation and see transformative change.

Jaz Worrell

Tacticians vs. Strategists

In life, many are tacticians, reacting to present challenges. However, the power of strategic thinking lies in foreseeing future obstacles and aligning with long-term visions. By understanding the broader context, we can shift from immediate responses to purposeful planning.

Jaz Worrell

The Cathedral Effect

I started a project back in November to read a book a month for 12 months. I got off to a great start and consistently worked my way through the first 4 books on the plan. THEN…I found Blinkist and I was able to digest a new book almost...

Jaz Worrell

Time: The Most Precious Resource

Time is your most valuable resource, so make sure you make the most of it. Write down your goals, be selective with your commitments, and take care of yourself. Recently lots of people have been demanding my time… For so long I’ve been focusing on productivity and the relentless...

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