The Power Game. Never outshine the master.

Understand respect, diplomacy, shared credit, & humble inquiry. Learn to balance self-promotion with the master-pupil dynamic for harmonious, successful relationships

The Power Game. Never outshine the master.

Today, we are delving into a treasure trove of wisdom from Robert Greene's "The 48 Laws of Power" and deciphering its relevance to the world of marketing and leadership.

Law 1 is encapsulated in the dictum: "Never Outshine The Master." While reminiscent of historical monarchies, this law carries profound wisdom for navigating contemporary corporate labyrinths. It accentuates the significance of artfully managing perceptions and relationships within hierarchical structures.

Let's begin.

Understanding the Master-Pupil dynamic


Small disclaimer. Power is a VERY delicate dynamic. Law 1 epitomises a balance between exhibiting your brilliance and upholding the respect for those in positions of power. It’s about synergy and coalescence, not dominance or submission.

In marketing and leadership, the “master” could be a client, manager, or target audience. The underpinnings of this law lie in acknowledging their stature and expertise. By doing so, you pave the way for productive collaborations and secure a firmer footing within the power hierarchy.

Some strategies:

  1. Be Humble: Engage your client or superior in a dialogue, and frame your ideas as augmentations to their own. Validate their expertise and gracefully steer the conversation towards how your strategies can complement and bolster theirs.

Some words of wisdom from Dale Carnegie resonate here: “A person's name is to him or her the sweetest and most important sound in any language.” Use it. Excessivley.

In public, business settings if an idea goes down well, I will often present it not as my own. The credit will go to my superior or to my team. People crave attention and acceptance. If you are indifferent to it yourself you can 'gift' it to others.

  1. Sharing Triumphs: President Harry Truman once declared, “It's amazing what you can accomplish when you do not care who gets the credit.” When success graces your marketing campaigns, attribute due credit to your team, your clients’ sagacity, and everyone’s combined efforts.

This not only prevents you from overshadowing the master but also fosters an ethos of mutual respect and collaboration.

  1. Diplomacy and Perception: In the realms of power, perceptions hold sway. Employ tactful communication to assert your competence without exuding hostility. This involves understanding the perspectives of the “master” and aligning your actions and communication accordingly.

Too often do I see employees 'bulldozing' their ideas and theories onto their superiors. When you understand the 'game' - employees are there to make their superiors look good. Although developing a voice is important, it should never be at a detriment to your position or your reputation.

Self-Promotion. Don't forget it.

While the law cautions against overshadowing your master, it does not advocate total self-effacement. This is where the art of self-promotion comes into play. It is a vital skill that needs to be honed and this is not the blog to cover such a large topic. Having said that, here are a few pointers:

Self-promotion is about tactfully highlighting your contributions and skills without sounding arrogant or threatening.

  • Timing is Key: Choose the right moments to share your achievements. Be mindful of the context and the mood.
  • Provide Value: Position your accomplishments as value additions for the team or organization.
  • Use Data and Metrics: Use quantifiable data to back your achievements. This lends credibility to your claims without appearing boastful.

Harmonising Your Brilliance with Respect

In conclusion, the law of "Never Outshine The Master" is not a call to dim your light, but rather an invitation to strategically direct your brilliance. It encourages you to showcase your capabilities and talents, all while maintaining a healthy respect for the established hierarchy. In the multifaceted world of marketing and leadership, this approach fosters a cooperative environment, paves the way for productive collaborations, and ultimately leads to mutual growth and success.

Embracing this law doesn't mean losing your individuality, but leveraging it in a way that enhances the whole team or project. Remember, it's not about suppressing your creativity but about knowing when and how to assert it, creating a harmonious balance of power. So, as you progress in your marketing and leadership journey, let this wisdom guide you towards meaningful and respectful relationships, fostering an environment where everyone shines together.


This post was a suggestion from one of our subscribers; Thinkpeculiar.